Atlantean #7


Atlantean #7 Introducing the “Atlantean #7” Mushroom Variety – a legendary and mysterious strain that draws inspiration from the mythical city of Atlantis. Uncover the historical roots, discovery, and unique qualities that define this exceptional fungal variety as you embark on a mycological journey into the enigmatic depths of Atlantis. Historical Roots: The Atlantean #7…

8 in stock

SKU: E000001


Atlantean #7

Introducing the “Atlantean #7” Mushroom Variety – a legendary and mysterious strain that draws inspiration from the mythical city of Atlantis. Uncover the historical roots, discovery, and unique qualities that define this exceptional fungal variety as you embark on a mycological journey into the enigmatic depths of Atlantis.

Historical Roots: The Atlantean #7 mushrooms trace their roots to the ancient tales of Atlantis, a mythical civilization lost to time. Cultivated from the remnants of history, this strain symbolizes a mycological homage to the mysteries and intrigue surrounding the legendary city.

Discovery of Atlantis: Much like the elusive discovery of Atlantis itself, the origins of the Atlantean #7 strain are shrouded in mystery. Mycology enthusiasts stumbled upon this extraordinary variety, its existence echoing the enigma of uncovering ancient secrets lost to the ages.

Key Features:

  1. Mythical Aesthetics: The Atlantean #7 mushrooms boast mythical aesthetics, mirroring the legendary allure of the lost city. Visual elements in the caps and stems pay homage to the mythical grandeur, adding a touch of mysticism to any mycology collection.
  2. Enigmatic Cultural Connection: This strain establishes an enigmatic cultural connection to the mythical Atlantis. Mycologists and enthusiasts alike cultivate the Atlantean #7 mushrooms as a modern link to the ancient civilization, infusing a sense of wonder and reverence into the mycological journey.
  3. Ancient Wisdom: Enthusiasts of the Atlantean #7 strain often report a journey imbued with ancient wisdom. The psychedelic experience becomes a conduit to the mystical realms inspired by the legendary knowledge and mysteries associated with Atlantis.
  4. Cultivation Discovery: Cultivating the Atlantean #7 strain involves a mycological discovery reminiscent of uncovering hidden civilizations. Enthusiasts engage in a cultivation process that mirrors the excitement and awe of discovering the extraordinary within the mycological landscape.
  5. Harvesting Mystique: Engage in a symbolic harvesting ritual that celebrates the mystique and mythical connection of the Atlantean #7 mushrooms. The act of harvesting becomes a connection to the ancient roots and the ongoing exploration of mycological mysteries.

Cautionary Notes: This product is not guaranteed to work and is intended for research purposes only. Users are advised to exercise caution, create a safe environment, and approach the use of Atlantean #7 mushrooms with respect for their mythical roots and transformative potential.

Embark on a mycological journey inspired by the mythical city of Atlantis with the Atlantean #7 Mushroom Variety, where historical roots, enigmatic aesthetics, and the allure of ancient wisdom converge.

Note: For research purposes only. Not intended for consumption.


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